First Third Party Box to add Support for the Latest
Nokia Flash Loader Package (May 31, 2010)
This Update is Optional and it is only for End Users
who always want to use the Latest Flash Loaders available
The software version is 5.55, and after you update we
strongly suggest that you perform a "Restore Box" so we
can guarantee that you are using the latest version of
the compiled LogiCore 7.07.10 Firmware.
Bug Fixes Inside:
1. BB5 Read ASK is now enabled
2. Pooling Phone timmeout is now 3 times longer
3. Server access is now using IP addresses instead of domain names
4. Simlock Server Version reading is now Skipped
Nokia Flash Loader Package (May 31, 2010)
This Update is Optional and it is only for End Users
who always want to use the Latest Flash Loaders available
The software version is 5.55, and after you update we
strongly suggest that you perform a "Restore Box" so we
can guarantee that you are using the latest version of
the compiled LogiCore 7.07.10 Firmware.
Bug Fixes Inside:
1. BB5 Read ASK is now enabled
2. Pooling Phone timmeout is now 3 times longer
3. Server access is now using IP addresses instead of domain names
4. Simlock Server Version reading is now Skipped