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    Mobile Abbreviations


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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:38 am

    1. IMEI = (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
    2. Amps = (Analog Mobile Phone System)
    3. Gsm = (Global System for Mobile)
    4. LED = (Light Emitted Diode)
    5. LCD = (Liquid Crystal Display)
    8. GPRS =(general packet radio services)
    9. Sms = (Short Messaging services)
    10. Mms = (multimedia messagin services)
    11. Sim = (Subscrib Identity Module)
    12. Bga =(Ball Grinding Arrchetectur)
    13. Vco =(Voltage Control Oscillation)
    14. Pa = (Power Amplifier)
    15. I.F = ( Intermidate Frequency)
    16. Cra = (Corner Reflector Antina)
    17. Rbs = (Radio Base Station)
    18. Rx = (Reciving Waves)
    19. Tx = (Transmiting Waves)

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:41 am

    BB5 - base band 5

    BCC - Base-station Color Code

    B-CDMA - Broadband Code Division Multiple Access

    BCH - Broadcast Channels( carry only downlink information and are mainly responsible for synchronisation and frequency correction (BCCH, FCCH and SCH)

    BCCH - Brodcast Control Channel
    the logical channel used in cellular networks to broadcast signalling and control information to all mobile phones within the network

    BER - Bit Error Rate; the percentage of received bits in error compared to the total number of bits received

    BERT - Bit Error Rate Test

    BGA - ball grid array

    BHCA - Busy Hour Call Attempts( the number of call attempts made during a network’s busiest hour of the day)

    B-ISDN - Broadband ISDN

    BPS - Bits Per Second
    ( a measure of how fast binary digits can be sent through a channel. The number of 0s and 1s that travel down the channel per second.)

    BREW - Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless
    BREW - is an open source application development platform for wireless devices equipped for code division multiple access BREW makes it possible for developers to create portable applications that will work on any handsets equipped with CDMA chipsets. A similar and competing platform is J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), from SunMicrosystems.

    BSC - Base Station Controller
    BSS - Base Station System
    Base Station Subsystem
    BSIC - Base Station Identity Code or
    Base transceiver Station Identity Code

    BTS - Base Transceiver Station
    (This device allows communication between phones and cellular network or it is the network entity which communicates with the mobile station)

    Back -light Illumination
    illuminates a wireless device’s display and keypad for better low light viewing
    Band :
    a specific range of frequencies in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum.

    A chargeable device which provides the mobile phone with power. A variety of battery technologies have been used for mobile phones including nickel cadmiu(NiCad),nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium ion (Li-ion)
    Battery status/Battery charge display
    An indication of the amount of battery life remaining
    Battery Capacity the capacity of wireless devices’ battery. Measured in milliampere hours (mAh

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:44 am

    IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity
    UEM: Universal Energy Manager
    RAP3G: Radio Application Processor 3rd Generation
    SRAM: Static Random Access Memory
    LED: Light Emitted Diod
    LCD: Liquid CRYSTAL Display
    GSM: Global System for Mobile
    GPRS: general packet radio services
    MMS : Multimedia Messaging Service
    PDA Sets : Personal Digital Assistance Sets
    WAP : Wireless Application Protocol

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:06 am

    C1 - path loss-criterium

    C2 - cell-reselection criterion

    Call barring
    A service which enables users to bar certain incoming or outgoing calls on their mobile phones

    Call timer:
    A service which keeps track of the amount of airtime being used by the subscriber on a cumulative basis

    Call divert:
    The capability to divert incoming calls to another phone (fixed or mobile) or to an answering service

    Call hold:
    The ability to put an ongoing call on hold whilst answering or making a second call

    Caller ID:
    Caller Identification (displays the name/number of the person calling a mobile phone. Also known as CLI)

    CAI - Common Air Interface
    ( a standard developed for the UK’s public CT2 networks which enabled the same handset to be used on different networks)

    CAMEL - Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
    ( an IN feature in GSM networks that enables users to carry personal services with them when roaming into other networks that support CAMEL)

    CB - Cell Broadcast

    CC - Call Control(manages call connections)

    CCB - Customer Care and Billing

    CCCH - Common Control Channels; a group of uplink and downlink channels between the MS and the BTS (see PCH, AGCH and RACH)

    CCONT- Current Controller (in nokia fones)

    CCS7 - Common Channel Signalling No. 7

    CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
    (Code Division Multiple Access; also known as spread spectrum (or IS-95), CDMA cellular systems utilise a single frequency band for all traffic, differentiating the individual transmissions by assigning them unique codes before transmission. There are a number of variants of CDMA (see W-CDMA, B-CDMA, TD-SCDMA et al)

    The first commercial CDMA cellular system; deployed in North America and Korea; also known as IS-95

    A member of the IMT-2000 3G family; backwardly compatible with cdmaOne

    CDMA 1X:
    The first generation of cdma2000; the standardisation process indicated that there would be CDMA 2X and CDMA 3X but this no longer appears likely

    CDMA 1X EV-DO:
    A variant of CDMA 1X which delivers data only

    CDPD - Cellular Digital Packet Data (a packet switched data service largely deployed in the USA. The service uses idle analogue channels to carry the packetised information.)

    CDPSK - Coherent Differential Phase Shift Keying

    CDR - Call Detail Records
    (the record made within the cellular network of all details of both incoming and outgoing calls made by subscribers, The CDR is passed to the billing system for action)

    The area covered by a cellular base station. A cell site may sectorise its antennas to service several cells from one locationCell site
    The facility housing the transmitters/receivers, the antennas and associated equipment

    Cell splitting:
    The process of converting a single cell to multiple cells by sectorising the antennas in the cell site or constructing additional cells within a cell site

    Cell Site:
    a fixed cellular tower and radio antenna that handles communication with subscribers in a particular area or cell. A cellular network is made up of many cell sites, all connected back to the wired phone system.

    Code Excited Linear Prediction; an analogue to digital voice coding scheme, there are a number of variants used in cellular systems

    CEPT - Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications.

    (A organisation of national posts, telegraphs and telephone administrations. Until 1988, when this work was take over by ETSI, the main European body for telecommunications standardisation. CEPT established the original GSM standardisation group)

    CF - Call Forwarding

    CI - Carrier to Interference ratio

    CIBER - Cellular Intercarrier Billing Exchange Roamer Record

    CID - Caller Identification

    Circuit switching:

    A method used in telecommunications where a temporary dedicated circuit of constant bandwidth is established between two distant endpoints in a network. Mainly used for voice traffic; the opposite of packet switching

    CLID - Calling Line Identification

    CLIP - Calling Line Identification Presentation
    CLIR - Calling Line Identification Restriction
    CM - Connection Management(it is used to set up, maintain and take down call connections)

    CNR - carrier to noise ratio
    CNT- Content

    COBBA- Common Baseband Analog

    CPE - Customer Premises Equipment; all the equipment on the end user’s side of the network interface

    CPU - Central Processing Unit

    CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Substrate

    A word formed by combining coder and decoder the codec is a device which encodes and decodes signals. The voice codec in a cellular network converts voice signals into and back from bit strings. In GSM networks, in addition to the standard voice codec, it is possible to implement Half Rate (HR) codecs and Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) codecs

    Control signal:
    A signal sent to a cellular phone from a base station or vice versa which carries information essential to the call but not including the audio portion of a conversation

    CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

    CRM - Customer Relationship Management

    CSE - CAMEL Service Environment

    CSS - Customer Support System

    CT - Cordless Telephony

    Zero generation cordless telephony; the earliest domestic cordless phones which used analogue technology and which had severe limitations in terms of range and security

    Second generation cordless telephony;

    First generation cordless telephony; Improved analogue phones with greater range and security; a number of European nations produced CT1 standards

    Second generation cordless telephony-common air interface
    (Using digital technology CT2 phones offered greater range, improved security and a wide range of new functionalities. Used in both domestic and cordless PABX deployments, CT2 was standardised as an interim ETS but was overwhelmed by DECT)

    CTA - Cordless Terminal Adaptor (a DECT term)

    CTM - Cordless Terminal Mobility

    CTR - Common Technical Regulation

    CUG - Closed User Group

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:31 am

    D/A - Digital to Analogue conversion

    DAC - Digital to Analogue Convertor

    DAMA - Demand Assigned Multiple Access

    D-AMPS - Digital AMPS, a US wireless standard also known as IS-136

    DAN - DECT Access Node

    Data capable:
    Mobile phones which have the capability to enable transmission of data from a laptop computer or PDA via the phone

    Datacable : interface for conecting a mobile fone to pc

    db - decibel (unit if sound)
    DB - Dummy Burst; transmitted as a filler in unused timeslots of the carrier
    DCT /3,4 - digital core technology

    DCT/L - digital core technology linda

    DCCH - Digital Control Channel
    DTCH - Digital Traffic Channel
    DTX - Discontinous Transmission Exchange

    DCA - Dynamic Channel Assignment

    DCCH - Dedicated Control Channels
    ( responsible for roaming, handovers, encryption etc)

    DCE - Data Communications Equipment

    DCH - Data Clearing House

    DCPSK - Differentially Coherent Phase Shift Keying

    DCS1800 - Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz, now known as GSM1800

    DECT - Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications system, a second generation digital cordless technology standardised by ETSI

    DEPSK - Differential Encoded Phase Shift Keying

    DES - Digital Encryption Standard

    DFSK - Double Frequency Shift Keying

    a method of representing information as numbers with discrete values; usually expressed as a sequence of bits
    Digital a method of encoding a transmission that involves translating information (in the case of digital phones the information would be a voice conversation) into a series of 0’s and 1’s. Digital communications technology offers cleaner calls without the static and distortion that is common with analog phones. The majority of new handsets sold today are digital rather than analog technology.

    DPCM - Differential Pulse Code Modulation

    DPSK - Digital Phase Shift Keying

    DQPSK - Digital Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

    DS-CDMA - Direct Sequence CDMA

    DSP - Digital Signal Processor
    Digital Signal Processing refers to manipulating analog information, such as sound or photographs that has been converted into a digital form to improve accuracy and reliability of digital communications.

    DSC- Digital Signal Controller

    DSRR - Digital Short Range Radio
    ( a UK standard for a low power, short range radio system designed for small voice and data networks)

    DTE - Data Terminal Equipment

    DTMF - Dual Tone MultiFrequency;
    (better know as Touch Tone. The tones generated by touching the keys on the phone are used for a variety of purposes )

    DTX - Discontinuous Transmission

    Dual Band:
    The capability of GSM infrastructure elements and handsets to work across both the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands. The capability to seamlessly handover between the two bands offers operators major capacity gains

    The wireless technique where one frequency band is used for traffic from the network to the subscriber (the downlink) and another, widely separated, band is used for traffic from the subscriber to the network (the uplink)

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:33 am

    EDGE - Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
    EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) or Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), is a digital mobile phone technology that allows for increased data transmission rate and improved data transmission reliability. It is generally classified as a 2.75G network technology. EDGE has been introduced into GSM networks around the world since 2003, initially in North America.

    It can be used for any packet switched applications such as an Internet connection. High-speed data applications such as video services and other multimedia benefit from EGPRS' increased data capacity. EDGE Circuit Switched is a possible future development.

    EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    EFR- Enhanced Full Rate
    (Enhanced Full Rate (codec): an improved version of the standard voice codec used in GSM phones; offers improved speech quality without impacting on network capacity)

    EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer

    EGSM - Extended (frequency range) GSM

    EIR - Equipment Identity Register (a database that contains a list of all valid mobile stations within a network based on their IMEI)

    EIRP - Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

    EPOC :
    The mobile phone operating system developed by Symbian. Derived from epoch-the beginning of an era-EPOC is a 32-bit operating environment which comprises a suite of applications, customisable user interfaces, connectivity options and a range of development tools

    EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

    A dimensionless unit of average traffic density in a telecommunications network

    ERMES - Enhanced Radio Messaging System
    (IT is a paging technology developed by ETSI which was intended to allow users to roam throughout Europe. Adopted by a number of European and Middle Eastern countries, ERMES, like paging in general, was overtaken by the ubiquity of GSM)

    ERO - European Radiocommunications Office

    ERP - Effective Radiated Power

    ESMR - Enhanced Special Mobile Radio; a US PMR variant (see SMR)

    ESN - Electronic Serial Number; a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a mobile phone

    ESPRIT - European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology

    Extended TACS (the extension of TACS by the addition of new frequencies)

    ETS - European Telecommunications Standard

    ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute: The European group responsible for defining telecommunications standards

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:33 am

    FACCH - Fast Associated Control Channel

    ( similar to the SDCCH but used in parallel for operation of the TCH. If the data rate of the SACCH is insufficient borrowing mode is used)

    FB - Frequency Correction Burst; used for frequency synchronisation of the mobile

    FCC - Federal Communications Commission; the US regulatory body for telecommunications

    FCCH - Frequency Correction Channel (also Frenquency Control Channel)

    FDD - Frequency Division Duplex

    FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access
    (a transmission technique where the assigned frequency band for a network is divided into sub-bands which are allocated to a subscriber for the duration of their calls)

    FEC - Forward Error Correction

    FH - Frequency Hopping

    FH-CDMA - Frequency Hopping CDMA

    FMC - Fixed Mobile Convergence

    FMI - Fixed Mobile Integration

    FPLMTS - Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System
    (the original title of the ITU’s third generation concept now known as IMT-2000)

    FRA - Fixed Radio Access; see WLL

    FSDPSK - Filtered Symmetric Differential Phase Shift Keying

    FSK - Frequency Shift Keying
    ( a method of using frequency modulation to send digital information)

    FSOQ - Frequency Shift Offset Quadrature Modulation

    FSS - Fixed Satellite ServiceGb
    (The interface between the PCU and the SGSN in a GSM/GPRS network)

    FOMA - Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:34 am

    The interface between the GGSN and the HLR in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the SMSC in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the EIR in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the GGSN and the Internet in a GPRS network

    The interface between the GGSN and the SGSN in a GPRS network

    The interfaces between the GGSN/SGSN and the Border Gateway in a GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the HLR in a GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the MSC in a GSM/GPRS network

    GAIT - GSM/ANSI 136 Interoperability Committee

    GAP - Generic Access Profile; a DECT term

    A unit of data transmission rate equal to one billion bits per second

    GMSC - Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre; the gateway between two networks

    GCF - Global Certification Forum

    Refers to a satellite in equatorial orbit above the earth which appears from the surface to be stationary

    GERAN - GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network the name for the evolution of GSM towards 3G based on EDGE

    GGRF - GSM Global Roaming Forum

    GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node; the gateway between a cellular network and a IP network.

    A unit of frequency equal to one billion Hertz per second

    GMPCS - Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite

    GMSK - Gaussian filtered Minimum Shift Keying

    General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a mobile data service available to users of GSM and IS-136 mobile phones. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per megabyte of transferred data, while data communication via traditional circuit switching is billed per minute of connection time, independently of if the user actually has transferred data or been in an idle state. GPRS can be utilized for services such as WAP access, SMS and MMS, but also for Internet communication services such as email and web access. In the future, it is expected that low cost voice over IP will be made available in cell phones.

    The Global Positioning System (GPS), is currently the only fully-functional satellite navigation system. More than two dozen GPS satellites are in medium Earth orbit, transmitting signals allowing GPS receivers to determine the receiver's location, speed and direction.

    GRX - GPRS Roaming Exchange


    The Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM (original acronym: Groupe Spécial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. GSM service is used by over 2 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories.[1][2] The ubiquity of the GSM standard makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. GSM differs significantly from its predecessors in that both signaling and speech channels are Digital call quality, which means that it is considered a second generation (2G) mobile phone system. This fact has also meant that data communication was built into the system from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

    GSM MoU - The GSM Memorandum of Understanding
    (an agreement signed between all the major European operators to work together to promote GSM. The precursor of the GSM Association)

    GSM-R : GSM-Railway,
    A variant of GSM designed to meet the special communications needs of international train operators

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:36 am

    The interface between the GGSN and the HLR in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the SMSC in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the EIR in a GSM/GPRS network

    The interface between the GGSN and the Internet in a GPRS network

    The interface between the GGSN and the SGSN in a GPRS network

    The interfaces between the GGSN/SGSN and the Border Gateway in a GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the HLR in a GPRS network

    The interface between the SGSN and the MSC in a GSM/GPRS network

    GAIT - GSM/ANSI 136 Interoperability Committee

    GAP - Generic Access Profile; a DECT term

    A unit of data transmission rate equal to one billion bits per second

    GMSC - Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre; the gateway between two networks

    GCF - Global Certification Forum

    Refers to a satellite in equatorial orbit above the earth which appears from the surface to be stationary

    GERAN - GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network the name for the evolution of GSM towards 3G based on EDGE

    GGRF - GSM Global Roaming Forum

    GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node; the gateway between a cellular network and a IP network.

    A unit of frequency equal to one billion Hertz per second

    GMPCS - Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite

    GMSK - Gaussian filtered Minimum Shift Keying

    General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a mobile data service available to users of GSM and IS-136 mobile phones. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per megabyte of transferred data, while data communication via traditional circuit switching is billed per minute of connection time, independently of if the user actually has transferred data or been in an idle state. GPRS can be utilized for services such as WAP access, SMS and MMS, but also for Internet communication services such as email and web access. In the future, it is expected that low cost voice over IP will be made available in cell phones.

    The Global Positioning System (GPS), is currently the only fully-functional satellite navigation system. More than two dozen GPS satellites are in medium Earth orbit, transmitting signals allowing GPS receivers to determine the receiver's location, speed and direction.

    GRX - GPRS Roaming Exchange


    The Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM (original acronym: Groupe Spécial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. GSM service is used by over 2 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories.[1][2] The ubiquity of the GSM standard makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. GSM differs significantly from its predecessors in that both signaling and speech channels are Digital call quality, which means that it is considered a second generation (2G) mobile phone system. This fact has also meant that data communication was built into the system from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

    GSM MoU - The GSM Memorandum of Understanding
    (an agreement signed between all the major European operators to work together to promote GSM. The precursor of the GSM Association)

    GSM-R : GSM-Railway,
    A variant of GSM designed to meet the special communications needs of international train operators

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:37 am

    The operation of a cellular phone without using the handset; usually installed in vehicles.

    The transfer of control of a cellular phone call in progress from one cell to another, without any discontinuity

    Hierarchical Cell Structure; the architecture of a multi-layered cellular network where subscribers are handed over from the macro to the micro to the pico layer depending on the current network capacity and the needs of the subscriber

    HDLC - High level Data Link Control

    HIPERLAN: - High Performance Radio Local Access Network
    (a wireless local area network being standardised by ETSI), (Also HIPERLAN2)

    HLR - Home Location Register
    ( the database within a GSM network which stores all the subscriber data.A vital element in the roaming process)

    HR - Half Rate Traffic

    HSCSD - High Speed Circuit Switched Data

    ( a special mode in GSM networks which provides higher data throughput By cocatenating a number of timeslots, each delivering 14.4kbit/s, much higher data speeds can be achieved)

    HSPSD - High Speed Packet Switched Data

    HSCSD - High Speed Circuit Switched Data System
    ( this enables the transmission of data over current GSM networks at speeds up to 43.2 kbps. HSCSD enables such high speeds by using multiple channels.)

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:38 am

    IC - Intergrated Circuit
    ICSP - In Circuit Serial Programming

    IF- Intermediate Frequency

    Interim European Telecommunications Standard

    Infrared data port:
    A facility on a mobile phone to allow information to be exchanged with other devices e.g. a PC using infra red technology

    IN - Intelligent Network

    The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.

    An intranet is a private computer network that uses Internet protocols, network connectivity, and possibly the public telecommunication system to securely share part of an organization's information or operations with its employees. Sometimes the term refers only to the most visible service, the internal website. The same concepts and technologies of the Internet such as clients and servers running on the Internet protocol suite are used to build an intranet. HTTP and other Internet protocols are commonly used as well, especially FTP and e-mail. There is often an attempt to use Internet technologies to provide new interfaces with corporate 'legacy' data and information systems.

    Briefly, an intranet can be understood as "a private version of the Internet", or as a version of the internet confined to an organization.

    IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
    The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a number unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone. It is usually found printed on the phone underneath the battery and can also be found by dialing the sequence *#06# into the phone.

    The IMEI number is used by the GSM network to identify valid devices and therefore can be used to stop a stolen phone from accessing the network. For example, if a mobile phone is stolen, the owner can call his or her network provider and instruct them to "ban" the phone using its IMEI number. This renders the phone useless, regardless of whether the phone's SIM is changed.

    A service developed by Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo, I-mode delivers a huge range of services to subscribers and has proved enormously popular with some 30 million regular users. The revenue sharing model used for I-mode is being adopted by other operators as the basis for the new services enabled by GPRS and 3G

    IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
    (an internal subscriber identity used only by the network)

    The family of third generation technologies approved by the ITU. There are five members of the family: IMT-DS, a direct sequence WCDMA FDD solution IMT-TC, a WCDMA TDD solution IMT-MC, a multicarrier solution developed from cdma2000 IMT-SC, a single carrier solution developed from IS-136/UWC-136 IMT-FT, a TDMA/TDD solution derived from DECT

    INAP - Intelligent Network Application Part

    IP - Internet Protocol

    IPR - Intellectual Property Rights

    The next generation of IP addressing designed to replace the current system IPv4 which uses a 32 bit address code which limits the number of possible addresses. IPv6 uses a 128 bit code ensuring that the possible number of IP addresses will be virtually limitless

    IrDA - Infra red Data Association

    A low earth orbit satellite communications system developed initially by Motorola.

    The first evolution in the USA from analogue to digital technology. Used a hybrid of analogue and digital technology, superseded by IS-136

    Cellular standard know also as cdmaOne

    Cellular standard also known as TDMA or D-AMPS

    ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network

    International Standards Organisation

    ISP - Internet Service Provider

    software developed by Motorola and built into some wireless phones and PDAs that makes typing words on a keypad easier. The competitor to iTAP is T9

    ITU - International Telecommunications Union

    ITU-R - ITU Telecommunications Radio Sector

    ITU-T - ITU Telecommunications Standardisation Sector

    IWF - Interworking Function

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    Mobile Abbreviations  Empty Re: Mobile Abbreviations

    Post by Admin Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:39 am

    JAF - Just Another Flasher

    A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Java is characterised by the fact that programs written in Java do not rely on an operating system

    J2ME :
    (Java 2 Micro Edition) is a technology that allows programmers to use the Java programming language and related tools to develop programs for wireless and mobile devices such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). The J2ME platform can be used to implement a wide variety of applications, from wireless games to data portals into the Internet or corporate enterprise databases.

    JPEG- Joint Photographic Experts Group

    JTAG - Joint Test Action Group

    Special thanks for NEILTHIRUMUTTAM

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